September 3, 2020

all the broken pieces review

I would recommend this to people who are into realistic fiction.I loved the insight and honesty Matt's character portrayed through the perspective of an adopted Vietnamese child living in the U.S. after the Vietnam War. The book has two conflict person vs self.

Matt has trouble giving a voice to his internal struggles, while externally he is having difficulties at school and is being bullied by boys on his baseball team.

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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Once a week he goes to a meeting for Vietnam veterans,A very sweet, touching story, making real the horrors of the Vietnam War but at the same time still appropriate for 9-to-12s. The words cut deep. I'll also be adding it to my 6th grade lit circle list.This poetic prose was good, but a lot of it was implying events and happenings without explaining them and what made them so meaningful. The star rating reflects overall quality.Tough but touching free verse book about war's scars.

It's time of great rivalry, wearing of team colors, and obsessing over the late...I think it is because to show he is broken in a way just like an unraveling baseball. Nothing, not even her reflection, seems familiar. Basically, I wanted to make it back to Vietnam.

also, because he was introduced to baseball at a young age and iI think it is because to show he is broken in a way just like an unraveling baseball. Can Matt manage to make peace with his past so he can embrace his future?

He constantly blames himselThis book takes place in america after the war between america and vietnam. Matt's adoptive parents are only two of the many strong adults who help Matt's middle school baseball team learn acceptance.

But the war lingers, in his own mind and in the world around him. However, as I read on it became a novel about how it feels to be adopted, how it feels to be half Vietnamese/half American and never knowing your father, and how it feels to have lived during the Vietnam War.

Matt was around ten years old when his mother begged American Soldiers to take her son to the U.S.A in hopes that he would have a better life. Published Some people may find it hard to follow and understand but I loved it when we read it in 7th grade.

Once a week he goes to a meeting for Vietnam veterans, many of them disabled. All the Broken Pieces Cindi Madsen Publication date: December 11th 2012 by Entangled Teen What if your life wasn’t your own? Raw, well-researched story of young slave girl. I really didn't like this book that much. I had not previously heard of this author, so I wasn't sure what to expect.I recently finished "All the Broken Pieces" by Ann E. Burg.

Families can talk about what kids learn today about the Vietnam war. Make no mistake. Matt Pin was airlifted from war torn Vietnam to the United States and has been adopted into a loving family. Set in the US post-Vietnam War, it is narrated by a Vietnamese boy who was sent to the US by his Vietnamese mother after his American father left.

The arc of Matt and Rob's relationship was nicely done and tugged my heart in all the ways it should, but the rest of the characters and story line could have had more page time. It's about finding your place in a broken world.

I like the style of writing the book was written in.1.

This book is about a boy named Matt that was sent to the United States because he in the war of Veitname ,he thought that him mom send him over and abandoned him but then he realized that she sent him over because she loved him and wanted him to live.I liked this book because he gave parts of Veitename that he remembered.

Start by marking “All the Broken Pieces” as Want to Read:

April 1st 2009 DO NOT JUDGE IT BY ITS COVER. Twelve-year-old Matt has lived in the United STates for two years when his nightmares and fears finally catch up with him. It's about the Vietnam War. And readers feel reassured that Matt is going to be OK. Dean Schneider teaches middle school English. The main character matt tries to fit in but he constantly gets made fun of for being vietnamese.

It’s hard to resist a story where two broken outsiders come together to love and heal each other. 0545080924 This is a very quick read with a lot of character development. Start studying All the Broken Pieces - Novel Review. It's about the Vietnam War. But the war lingers, in his own mind and in the world around him. I really enjoyed the main themes, but it could have used about 100 more pages to really make the storyline more fleshed out and less conveniently clean. I just wanted more.

Horse tale with more depth and a strong girl lead. "I recently finished "All the Broken Pieces" by Ann E. Burg. jenna’s review At its core, ALL THE BROKEN PIECES by Cindi Madsen is a mystery. In one summer, Matt lives through a painful season and finally finds safety and the understanding that loving his new family doesn't mean forgetting his first family. i thought it was a good book also you fly threw it because there is not a lot of words on each page.This book is insightful and revealing.

Even further on, it became about post-traumatic stress disorder, and how it affected not just the soldiers who came back from Vietnam, but also the Vietnamese people who survived.

I enjoyed the was it opened my eyes and allowed me to see things from another perspective. A subplot deals with the difficulties that many veterans face when returning home at a time when post-traumatic stress disorder wasn't yet recognized.

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