September 3, 2020

did the universe have a beginning

Scientists believe that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. It’s looking like the universe had a beginning after all. And at the end of the commercial they would ride off into the sunset saying, “Raaainieeerrrrr Beeeeer,” and you had the Doppler shift happening. And according to quantum mechanics, any process which is not strictly forbidden by the conservation laws will happen with some probability.A newly-born universe can have a variety of different shapes and sizes and can be filled with different kinds of matter. Physicists hoped initially that the singularity might be an artifact of Friedmann’s simplifying assumption of perfect uniformity, and that it would disappear in more realistic solutions of Einstein’s equations.
Hubble resolved that issue as he also resolved these points of light, because as he looked through this great dome telescope at the Palomar Observatory, he was able to determine that little points of light that had been viewed through ordinary telescopes before, and just looked like little points, actually revealed galaxies—whole galaxies with hundreds and millions of stars.The picture behind us is a Spindle Nebula, and he saw Spiral Nebula, many different galaxies in every quadrant of the sky. “What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? Some scientists claim that the universe did not have a beginning. The vacuum is a physical object, endowed with energy density and pressure.
The distinction between the dimensions of time and space disappears. So then he posited an arbitrary force that was meant to counter act the force of expansion in just the right measure so that the universe would be static, and therefore could have existed eternally, without expanding or contracting.When I was a physics student we use to call this “dry-labbing.” Where you know, the professor gives you an experiment to do and you know what the answer is supposed to be, but you do the thing with the hockey pucks on the air table, and it’s not coming out right. It is nonetheless the first attempt to formulate the problem of cosmic origin and to address it in a quantitative way.When physicists or theologians ask me about the BGV theorem, I am happy to oblige. Caused by what? We live in one of these bubbles, but we can observe only a small part of it. There is a loophole in this reasoning. The total charge of a closed universe must therefore be equal to zero.If all the conserved numbers of a closed universe are equal to zero, then there is nothing to prevent such a universe from being spontaneously created out of nothing. And while our universe may look as if it has a beginning, the multiverse need not have a beginning. I have a visual aide, and it’s not a beer can, it’s a balloon. Here is what he promises, "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. This would seem to suggest that the universe did have a beginning, but not one describable by the laws of physics.

These are the two schools of thought that have enrolled followers since early times. For all his skepticism, Hume never denied causation. This was the singular start to everything that exists. cannot describe a universe without a beginning. If you have ever wanted to believe in God, but certainly did not want to do so in contradiction of known scientific facts, science provides you reason to believe that God exists and powerfully created all things.It is logical to conclude that God, who is from the beginning, eternal and outside of time, created time. It was grand in scope beyond our wildest imaginations; galaxies in every direction.

And that was such a strong philosophical predilection that he adjusted the science to try to meet with that.Then Hubble comes along and discovers that the universe actually is expanding; there must have been a beginning. Now what do you infer from that?

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