September 3, 2020

simple 301 redirects

However, it pays to make sure there are no existing problems with 301 redirects on your website first, as these could be hindering your current and future Did I miss anything in this guide? Includes a simple and intuitive refinement system where you can search for specific text within the URLs or notes defined for the redirect. 1; 0; 1 year ago. In practice, it looks like this:

Not only can this keep some SEO value, but it’s good for user experience as well.If there are any links set up to go to your old page, users would encounter a 404 Error. It’s also the range Matt Cutts, Google’s former Head of Webspam, alluded to in this 2013 video:For argument’s sake, let’s assume that the number was 15%.But 301 redirects can cause plenty of other SEO-related issues that don’t often get talked about.Here’s how to find and fix existing issues related to 301 redirects.Not only does it add an extra layer of security for your visitors, but You also need to make sure that people actually visit the To check that this redirect is in place, go to your homepage and look at the If this happens, then things should be good for the most part. It should take you to a page like the image below.The left column is for your old url, please remember to replace “/old-url-this-side/” with the URL you want to redirect from. That’s unnecessary and wastes Clicking this reveals all the pages with 301 status codes in your sitemap(s).Redirect chains occur when there is a series of two or more redirects between the initial Redirect chains serve no other purpose than to damage user experience and slow things down, so you should avoid them where possible.You can check for redirect chains on up to 100 URLs using Clicking this will reveal all the URLs in the chain, including the final destination page.Where practical, the second solution is the best option.To do that, sort the list of redirect chains by the “No. Brian redirected it to his blog post about He did this because the keyword “outreach platforms” has no search volume and no traffic potential.

If there are a lot of top 10 lists ranking for the target keyword, make your new revamped post a top 10 list. Brian did this with that list of link building strategies, which hadn’t been updated since around 2012.Similarly, if pages have little or no traffic potential, then you may as well get rid of them and redirect elsewhere. Let me know in the comments or Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC). “”.The only negative with this plugin is you can only do ONE 301 Redirect at a time. 1; 0; 1 year ago . Appears to be broken. They’re used to redirect one webpage to another.A 301 redirect indicates the permanent moving of a web page from one location to another.In simple terms, a 301 redirect tells the browser: “This page has moved permanently. Jan Dembowski. The actual search traffic (as reported in Google Analytics) is usually 3-5 times bigger.The number of times this article was shared on Twitter and Facebook.301 redirects are pretty simple.

Again, please remember to change the URL to your new URL and not my example! A redirect is a simple way to re-route traffic coming to a Requested URL to different Destination URL. It is intended to be used when there are no plans to reverse the change. How much?

That’s debatable, but 15% seemed to be the general assumption. Those who are familiar with Neil Patel will know that he merged No, the issue is that the redirected page is a completely different article.In these cases, it’s best to remove the internal link(s) to the redirected page.To do this, just hit the number in the “No. Looking to learn everything there is to know about 301 redirects, including how to use them to boost your organic traffic?

Permalink to comment # September 29, 2013. However, with this plugin, you can redirect the user from the old link to the new one without them realising.

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