I am displaying data in a recycler view like you did but the problem is insert data in that recyclerview in the same fragment so i’d like to reload the fragment when i insert the data is that possible ?Hello i have a problem with the hide the buttom nav on scrollPost your code of ProfileActivty (at least until line number 35).can i use this code in my app or He has property rightsI want to show shadow in my custom made bottom navigation bar.
Here when we switch from Shop to Gift again click on Shop it’s go to fetch data again so, how can we avoid this and display first time loaded data?2. I have published many tutorials related to Jetpack and here is another one for you. It will be published after couple of articles.The swipe experience shouldn’t used with Bottom Navigation as per google design specs.Hi , ty for this great article, i’m getting an XML error:Have you added the design support library in gradle?Please elaborate this line -> List items = new Gson().fromJson(response.toString(), new TypeToken() { }.getType());This is called JSON serialization. Thanks for doing this great work for us… I have a Request to you that could you please make a complete series on how to make Android music player. So, before starting the tutorial I would like to recommend you all that start using "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.1.0-alpha4''android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:1.0.0-rc02''android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment:1.0.0-rc02''android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:1.0.0-rc02'Android Login and Registration Tutorial with PHP MySQLJSON Parsing in Android – Fetching From MySQL DatabaseAndroid Volley Tutorial – Fetching JSON Data from URLAndroid Upload Image to Server using Volley TutorialRetrieve Data From MySQL Database in Android using VolleyAndroid TabLayout Example using ViewPager and FragmentsAndroid Volley Tutorial – User Registration and Login So that’s all for this Bottom Navigation Android Tutorial friends. Debuger says that this happens when onCreate() in Bottom… BehaviorHi again @ravi8x:disqus , And now I have a problem with hiding navBar . On the detailed fragment, get the image url from the bundle arguments and display the image using Glide or Picasa.Check the JSON node and variable name in Movie class. }/// error in activity cannot resolesir i have created upcoming contest fragment class. Meanwhile you can check sync adapters from android docs.Much respect, I personally acquired a lot of knowledge through this blog. please answer need this for project!Can u please help me in keeping the menu items in bottom navigation bar dynamically i.e user needs to select what he wants in the bottom navigation menuHey Can u please tell me how do i keep the icons and text fixed and now like now the text shows up when clicked in the icons>?Hi @ravi8x:disqus Thank you so much for the code. could you help me out with a template code that i can study and improve on to achieve what i want. I have some challenges here. Really cool!You are strongly advised to explore the code generated. Your design looks as if you want to use the new BottomAppBar from the MaterialComponents that will fully be release with Android P. Especially if the left icon stands for a kind of side navigation it could be the right navigation element.. Thank you. android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" Following is a full example to demonstrate the use of above tip to center a button on screen. I placed everything correctly but when I click a fragment in the bottomnavigation it throws this;MainActivity must implement OnFragmentInteractionListenerSeems there is an error in your layout files. Bottom iconsHow to avoid reloading fragment when I click a tab again?
I am Founder at androidhive and programming enthusiast. Thanks for the reply. Can you please help me?i am just resolving this issue by following the answer from @sidiqzaenal:disqus question.
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