September 3, 2020

4 phases of business cycle

In turn, a prolonged period of decline in real incomes can contribute to an economic contraction in the business cycle.

However, to answer the question; there is no set trend between phases.

This makes it cheaper to produce goods, meaning lower prices can be afforded.

Business Cycle (or Trade Cycle) is divided into the following four phases :-1. This occurs when aggregate demand is growing rapidly. Once aggregate demand starts to fall, we enter into the contraction phase. Despite being termed cycles, these fluctuations in economic activity can prove unpredictable. In the expansion phase, there is an increase in various economic factors, such as production, employment, output, wages, profits, demand and supply of products, and sales. Business confidence may increase because of growing consumer demand, or a reduction in uncertainty. There is little if any economic growth. Business investment starts to stagnant as the growth of future demand starts to diminish. So to define substitute… This is otherwise known as a recession, which we associate with declining employment, business investment, and consumer confidence. cayleedanielle. With consumers spending less, there is less demand for goods and services. An expansion may last 2 years or 20 years. An economic peak is when economic output and unemployment are generally at the highest levels they have been in recent years and the GDP continues along a positive growth pattern. STUDY.

4 minute read. Economic business cycles are relatively unpredictable.

However, when they do occur, the four phases of a business cycle tend to follow the pattern of contraction, trough, expansion and peak.An economic contraction means the national economy is shrinking as a whole. For instance, they may be used to re-distribute to the poorer in society. During this time, businesses begin to grow, increasing jobs and decreasing unemployment.

If the productivity of the economy on the whole increases, it means fewer resources are needed to produce the same level of output. During this phase, the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, which is the total value of goods and services produced in the country, is negative. What results is a limited economic movement. Whether this is through lower prices to the consumer or higher profits to businesses. Aggregate demand may slowly decline, but very slowly. In turn, this increases consumer demand and business investment in the long run. Consequently, as consumers demand fewer goods, the overall economy can slide into the contraction phase of the business cycle.

A business cycle is the general term economists use to describe periods of growth and contraction within the national economy.

It is also known as the boom and bust cycle, the economic cycle, or the trade cycle. So business cycles occur through increases and decreases in economic output, which are largely a result of fluctuations in aggregate demand.

Some factors that can cause a decline in Let’s look at the causes of the business cycle below. Therefore, we see an expansion in the business cycle.

Business Cycle Phases. This often means the national unemployment rate is rising as businesses begin to reduce output. If the government reduces spending to pay off its debt, it can create a trough in the business cycle. This acts in a similar way to productivity gains in the fact that goods can become cheaper to the consumer. However, they may be used to repay government debt. This may offset some of the negative effects as lower-income households tend to spend a higher proportion of their incomes, thereby stimulating consumer demand.

Carty holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration, with an emphasis on financial management, from Davenport University.


Then, the economy goes into a trough. Peak.

Central banks respond by trying to reduce interest rates or ‘printing’ new money.

In turn, these savings are passed on into the wider economy. However, to answer the question; there is no set trend between phases. A positive GDP is an indicator that the economy is coming out of a trough and moving into expansion, the next phase of the business cycle.However, if GDP growth is positive for one or two quarters and then becomes negative again, it is an indicator of a “double-dip” recession. As people begin to lose their jobs, consumer spending often decreases causing overall retail sales in the country to decline.

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