September 3, 2020

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Spoon the salsa carefully over the toast and serve immediately. Lay it skin side down in the frying pan and lightly season the flesh side. Peel the potatoes and chop in to large chunks. Lay the fillet skin side down on a chopping board. Try to leave some ripples like sea waves on the surface of the mash. Let the pie rest for five minutes when it comes out of the oven before browning the top under the grill/boiler on a high setting and portioning up for service. The email addresses you've entered will not be stored and will only be used to send this email. If you have caught a ling yourself which you intend to cook, the first thing you will have to do is kill it then clean it in preparation for cooking. A little extra patience and time spent produces infinitely greater results and is also much safer. You may think this would cause the chopping board to slip but with extra care, that never happened. Gordon Hamilton (author) from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on December 10, 2013: Thank you FlourishAnyway and vibesites. Ling is a fish at risk from overfishing. You should now therefore turn it on to its back and remove fillets three and four in a very similar way. He loves coming up with tasty ways of cooking his fresh catch when he gets home. Hake; White Fish; 9 Crispy cod cheeks and tongue. This step is, however, entirely optional. Turn the heat under the pan right down to minimum before turning the fillet to complete cooking on its flesh side in a further minute or so. Lay the toast and the ling fillet side by side on a serving plate. Privacy policy. Lightly glaze with beaten egg. Filleting a ling this way produces four fillets, not two, simply due to the bone structure of the fish. Ling; White Fish; 9 Sweet glazed Hake with Soy, Chilli, Ginger & Spring onion. Squid; Cephalopods; 12 Lemon Risotto with Spinach and Sea Bass. While the ling is poaching, add the carrot and broccoli to a bowl. Ling are fairly common around all of the UK, although as their major spawning ground is near Iceland they are more common around the northern and western parts of the British Isles. Drain the potatoes, return them to the empty pot and leave them to steam for around five minutes. Ling fillet is baked in the oven and served with homemade fries (micro chips) and garden peas, Potato is peeled, sliced and chopped in to fries, Ling fillet is wrapped and cooked in puff pastry before being served with a pan fried duck egg and some fresh broccoli. Pour the milk in to a jug or bowl to keep warm for a few minutes. Remove the ling from the oven and very carefully unwrap the foil. Cod; White Fish; 10 Salt and Pepper Squid. I hope it proves to be the first of many and that you very much enjoy whichever recipe you choose to follow. Caught my first ling yesterday on a day trip to Macduff on board the SeaCat brilliant day's fishing. Still using a proper filleting knife (this is absolutely imperative for its flexibility), make a nick in the fillet down to but not through the skin, just beyond your fingers. Cook the fillet for ten to twelve minutes and no more. Ling is a member of the cod group. Add the chopped ling to a saucepan and pour in the milk. Gently melt the butter in the saucepan in which the ling was poached and add the flour. When the potatoes are mashed and set aside, top, tail and peel the carrot. Stir well to combine. Roll out the pastry on a dry, floured surface that it is comfortably large enough to allow you to wrap the ling fillet. Roughly dice. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes (the pie looks good) and your step-by-step instructions in filleting the fish :). Gordon Hamilton (author) from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on August 28, 2017: Congratulations on your first caught ling! This prevents the mash simply being stirred through the pie filling. While the ling is poaching, add the carrot and broccoli to a bowl. This particular ling was gutted at sea, immediately after it was caught, to help preserve the flesh in pristine condition. Ling are caught by beam trawlers, netters and demersal trawlers. Drain brine and rinse and dry the fillets; season 1 side with salt and pepper. Pat the ling fillet carefully in the flour on its skin side only and shake off the excess. Ling fish is a member of the cod family and has the firm, white, flaky, juicy flesh of its cousins. Top fillets with breadcrumb mixture. Ling cooks quickly and should not be overcooked. Lift the wrapped fillet on to a baking tray lightly greased with butter and bake in the oven, preheated to 450F/220C, for twenty to twenty-five minutes, until the pastry is beautifully golden. Pour the milk in to a jug or bowl to keep warm for a few minutes. Well done hub! FlourishAnyway from USA on December 08, 2013: Very interesting! on August 28, 2017: Enjoyed your instructions on how to use your recipes caught my first ling yesterday problem is what delicious recipe do I use. This stock can be refrigerated or frozen and used for any number of purposes at a later date. Spread a large sheet of foil on a baking tray and lightly grease. The surface in this instance was firstly covered with cut open plastic bags. Oops! Keep going until the knife is free and the skin is successfully removed. Hake; White Fish; 27 Chorizo and Paprika Hake. The meat is white and textured, with a sweet flavour. The good news is that removing the skin is a lot quicker and easier than you may at first find the filleting process! Take your time when filleting fish of any type, especially a fish like a ling which you may not be familiar with. Bring to a very gentle simmer for five minutes only.

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