September 3, 2020

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Create a free website or blog at Day in History – February 13: William and Mary are declared co-regnant Monarchs, Day in History – 20 February: Coronation of Edward VI, Famous Stones: The Dresden Green Diamond « Artemisia's Royal Den, Don Juan Gomez-Acebo y de Borbon and Winston Carney welcome a child, Inaki Urdangarin Scandal: Infanta Cristina officially named a suspect, Day in History – May 1: Acts of Union 1707, Death of Prince Badr bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Rafi-ul Darja was succeeded by his elder brother Rafi ud-Daulah (better known as Shah Jahan II) whose reign lasted less than a year. I can see why: not only is it incredibly significant from historical point of view, it may also be viewed as a politically incorrect step to wear a stone with such a rich Indian heritage. After he was murdered, the Throne (and the ruby) went to Bahadur Shah I’s grandson, Muhammad Shah – the last owner of the ruby from the House of Timur. The unfaceted, 361-carat stone is set in the imperial state crown of England. Then it was discovered to be a spinel, and not a ruby (not unlike another famous stone – the Black Prince’s “Ruby”) and is currently ranked as second in size behind the 398.72 carat spinel in the Imperial Russian Crown. The famous Timur Ruby is in fact not a ruby; rather it is a spinel.It weighs over 352 carats and until 1851, was widely regarded as the largest known ruby in the world. ( Log Out /  After Tamerlane, the stone was inherited by his son Shah Rukh and by Shah Rukh’s son Ulugh Beg. The stone didn’t make it into the Royal Treasury until the Great Exhibition of 1851, where it was proudly displayed in the Indian Room. Very rarely, we find the precious rarity “Star Ruby”, which has needles of rutile embedded as a star and has a captivating light effect in the form of a star. Timur Ruby in its current setting, as the centrepiece of a necklace. This phenomenon is caused by very fine needles of rutile. However, this entry – like the one of the Cullinan Diamond – is different simply because 99% of it is pure history. And red is the color of the ruby, the king of precious stones, symbol of power, courage and dignity: Ruby is the stone of life and guardian of love. Legend has it that when Jahangir ordered to inscribe the stone with his name and that of his father, his favourite wife scolded him for defacing such a unique gem, to which Jahangir replied: “This jewel will more certainly hand down my name to posterity than any written history. Posted by artemisiasroyalden on February 19, 2013, The Timur Ruby didn’t remain in Persia for long, however; Ahmad’s Shah’s grandson, Sah Shujah Durrani, was expelled from his homeland and forced to seek refuge in Punjab, where Maharaja Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh Empire, forced him forced him to surrender the jewel. Nader thoroughly looted the treasury and the Mughal Empire lost not only some of its greatest gems – the Timur Ruby, Koh-i-Noor, Darya-ye-Noor – but also the Peacock Throne, which thereafter served as a symbol of the might of the Persian Empire. Aurangzeb was succeeded by his son Bahadur Shah I who, despite owning the ruby, never left an inscription over it. The history of the stone is as interesting as it is complicated. In 1738, the increasingly weakening Mughal Empire was conquered by Nader Shah, the Shah of Iran and founder of the Afshand dynasty. In the gem quality, ruby is extremly rare. The Timur Ruby is a big, red spinel* in a necklace of the Britisch crown jewels. Though it is just a technicality, the Timur Spinel, is still popularly referred to as the Timur Ruby. It weighs 361 carats and carries the inscription of the names of former Indian princes. Nader Shah agreed to withdraw but only if Mohammad Shah handed him the keys to the Royal Treasury. If you have any special requests, just send a message! After Nader Shah’s assassination in 1747, the stone fell into the possession of Ahmad Shah Durrani, the founder of the Durrani Empire who is also regarded as the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan. as a link to my past (a mineralogy degree) and because my dogs to me are precious and unique. Some of it can actually be derived from the stone itself for some of the owners of the magnificent gem inscribed their names and/or additional inscriptions on it. In 1849, the Timur Ruby (together with the famous Koh-i-Nur diamond) was annexed by the British Empire and came into the possession of the British Monarchy (Queen Victoria). Since 1800, these gems are classified as different mineral groups according to their chemical composition and physical properties.

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