September 3, 2020

litespeed cache vs autoptimize

You can accept all cookies at once or fine-tune your preferences in the cookie settings. A load time of 2.7 seconds, 69 requests and a total page size of 917KB. But why? Don't believe a word they say, Nginx is always a better option than the Litespeed marketing sham...Their plugin is just a bloated mess of minification and lazy-loading that you can find in 100+ other free plugins, it has no relation to the actual server itself.Litespeed servers, like Apache, can also easily be hacked via htaccess exploits.LSCache works (communicates) directly with the LiteSpeed server. Despite this, it’s still a useful plugin and well worth a look. Does it work with WP Fastest Cache. ... LiteSpeed Cache. Is it better just sticking with Autoptimize instead?Every server is different and testing is a the only true validator or what performs better.One huge caveat that most folks doing optimizations overlook is using any tool that doesn't allow for proper bandwidth throttling.With GTMetrics you have to expand the advanced drop down and limit the bandwidth to anything other than unlimited.Once you do that you can get unskewed test results.The best guide I've ever used uses both cloudflare and autoptimize I haven't compared any caching plugins in over 4 years since I migrated to autoptimize but I'm sure someone will have done some testing.I would use them together. In fact, there’s probably a minimal amount of calculation going on their head. The theme I’m using for these tests is our very own Our load times before we tested the speed after enabling caching plugins was a page load time of 3.1 seconds, a page size of 916KB, and 69 requests.
Misc Options. The compression caching does a wonderful job of optimizing your bandwidth and improving your overall page speed.

If you asked most experts about speed, they would recommend combining files to speed up your site, and so, in this case, you’d have to install an additional plugin. All this is also in LSCache as a true optimizing plugin.Use the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, since it is optimized for LightSpeed servers and also does everything the Autoptimize plugin does, and it is really fast configured right, even faster then WP Rocket on a LightSpeed server.They are all much slower and problematic than an Nginx server with FastCGI Cache which do not require any janky cache plugins... check it out.Autoptimize is surely lighter. As you can see the TTFB with no caching is over 200 ms.Now if we take a look at the TTFB with caching enabled we can see that it is under 40 ms.If you intend on managing your own server or are using shared hosting, these are the caching plugins to try out.
However, the functions behind that caching are often too complicated for the average WordPress user. Factors that impact load times, includes Server location > test server location, PHP version, current server load etc.Due to its simplicity to use features and a large library of easily available plugins, even a new or zero knowledge tech person like me can build the professional websites by using the WordPress. LiteSpeed's extensive list of features is unmatched. Autoptimize when used with a Cache Plugin, can do wonders. Seems 90% of the users who brag about Litespeed plugin do not realize the server cache is still activated anyways.The plugin is only to clear the cache, but not necessary for that anyways.The rest of features are just bloat to trick users to think that LS servers are faster? While there are various setting you can optimize, catch, css, html, javascript, fixing rendring-block issue etc but make sure to backup your all original files incase any thing break so you should have the restore files.

Give it a try (the Pro version).If you don’t host with a managed WP hosting provider where they take care of caching on a PHP level and you don’t need a plugin, you can use any of these. Optimization on LiteSpeed server - Autoptimize vs LiteSpeed Cache [plugins] Hello, I have a pretty slow LiteSpeed server and I've done some things to improve the speed of my page. Like WP Fastest Cache, pricing is a one-time non-recurring payment. I currently use about 21 plugins but find myself wanting to put and use moreThere isn’t really a magic number when it comes to the number of plugins but less is always better as they have a real impact on website performance. Comet Cache is the successor to the popular ZenCache plugin, improved with a raft of new features and functionality. For instance, the free version of WP Fastest Cache has desktop caching, minification of HTML, and combination options for JavaScript and CSS.Browser caching and GZIP tools are also provided in the free version. Let us know in the comments below.Get exclusive access to new tips, articles, guides, updates, and more.

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