September 3, 2020

xml vs json vs yaml

You have more flexibility and aren't tied into a decision that you made up front.That being said, I don't know your system, so it's tough to say what the right thing to do is. 21 comments, last by Ravyne 6 years, 12 months ago 1 (current) 2; 3; Next; stein102 Author. It is the default configuration file format used by Ruby on Rails and used in a number of notable tools such as Ansible and Google App Engine. I only have experience in working with XML, but the others can't be too hard to learn. Some developers find it difficult to use for its complex indentation formatting.If you are developing a new project from scratch, you can give a thought for choosing any of the serialization languages. YAML, XML, and JSON are the widely used data serialization language. Questions/comments/concerns are welcome too Thanks, PS: I think this board calls for a rename to … There are also some disadvantages of YAML. It has a higher overhead and making it more work if the creator is a human rather than a program. I.e., in XML, you'd have the following non-value data for each feed.If you want, you can add header row at the top for documentation purposes.There's also plenty of tooling around CSV, from command line utilities like awk to GUIs such as Excel.Another alternative, if you don't really need the data to be editable via a text editor but don't want to deploy a more robust database service, would be In the absence of interoperability concerns, i don't think there's much in it.
JSON or YAML codes are input to the parser.

JSON vs. YAML - Which do you prefer? YAML doesn't waste huge amounts of space like XML usually does, it just uses exactly what's needed for structure and nothing more. I read code. Formats such as INI, XML, JSON, YAML, TOML. It’s recommended/good to use prominent existing libraries.

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Or is there a better way?I think at the very least you could abbreviate that format -- remember that XML is really meant to be a semantic format -- I might do something like the following:There's quite a bit of art to designing and XML schema, but good designs use elements and properties together in a way that reduces redundancy and encourages correct use. Very powerful, you have to decide what you are trying to do - otherwise your question is too broad to give a definitive answer.If the data's not hierarchical or going to have data interspersed in e.g., the description You can define your format using a DTD and validate such files before they touch your game or content pipleline.Keep in mind that might or might not be a valid element in your schema depending on how much commonality all the different kinds of items have with one another. The closest things I can give as rules-of-thumb are:The trouble, really, is that the decision criteria I've given above is often not be immediately clear, especially as requirements evolve. Personally, I'd go with json for just about anything but only because that is the one I'm most comfortable with.JSON would be my pick. Cache and reserve them? DaBono In YAML, there is no extra delimiter is used. March 1, 2018 at 9:32 am I'm sure I'll be running into complications in no time otherwise.Well, like I said its all very dependent on your particular situation. Write them out to cuneiform tablets? Subtle differences can and will trip you up.JSON has the advantage of super-easy parsing in JavaScript, though you'll probably have to find and introduce a library in other languages.XML has the advantage that more languages bundle the relevant libraries, and is useful for the storage you mention.

Thank you. In practice neither of these last two points will likely matter for things that you or I do, but in the long term, I think YAML will be a more robust and viable data serialization format. I might be wrong. I keep sharing my coding knowledge and my own experience on (I am not sure if you agree with this point. You heard it right.

I would like to use a format to store feeds, something like XML, since XML is not the only available format of its kind, I would like to know: why should I choose one over the rest? So choosing YAML over JSON for your project you have one advantage. March 24, 2020 at 8:49 pm What I need to achieve is being able to define items to be generated by listing the components that the item would have and my EntityGenerator would turn them into game objects.Additionally, I would like to be able to build myself an "Item creator" utility where I can use a GUI to simply check off the components to add for my item and it would add that into the data file.I can't really speak to the pros/cons of YML, I wrote a quick and dirty parser for it a while ago for a webapp, but that's my entire experience.
Started by stein102 August 20, 2013 10:32 PM. markr a database? Posted 06-06-2018 (1139 views) As many of you know, both YAML and JSON are common formats for specifying data structures in files. And i only see yaml in google app engine. You can define your format using a DTD and validate such files before they touch your game or content pipleline.Keep in mind that might or might not be a valid element in your schema depending on how much commonality all the different kinds of items have with one another. August 13, 2017 at 5:59 am Talking about the popularity, XML has much more matured ecosystem than YAML. JSON is more widely used and more compatible with various other technologies than YAML. I'm working on a 2D RPG in Java using LibGdx, and need to find a way to store my game data. Just because you're not currently dependent on any other projects, are you likely to interact with them at some point in the future? But Perl's YAML libraries are good - YAML came out of the Perl world.agreed - I avoid xml until forced to use it. I write code. Your examples should be the same, but they are not.

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