September 3, 2020

nsw parliament hansard

Please enable scripts and reload this page. Upon request, Hansard also provides records of hearings to parliamentary committees, which determine their publication. Use this page to access all speeches made by members in Hansard from September 1991, including questions and answers.

The Parliament of Victoria followed the lead of South Australia by introducing the use of Hansard in 1866. Business such as tabling of papers or procedural motions, which do not involve members speaking in debate and other proceedings, are not available from this page but can be accessed through​ You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Votes and proceedings are also useful for determining discussion and policy on a range of topics and issues. Hansard's mission statement To provide an accurate, substantially verbatim account of the proceedings of the parliament and its committees which, while usually correcting obvious mistakes, neither adds to nor detracts from the meaning of the speech or the illustration of the argument.

New Zealand Parliament Pāremata Aotearoa List of committees; Inquiries and activities; Engaging with committees; Reports and Government Responses; Procedural Publications. Hansard by member Hansard is also the name of the division that publishes the report of parliamentary debates. Use this page to access all speeches made by members in Hansard from September 1991, including questions and answers. The Parliament of New South Wales commenced its Hansard system on 28 October 1879 with the reporting of the Legislative Council at the opening of the Third Session of the Ninth Parliament. Deferred answers are also included from May 2016 onwards. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Hansard; Questions and Answers; Questions and Answers tracking; Tabled Papers and Reports; Statutory Rules and Instruments; Procedural Statistics; About House Papers; Committees. Hansard editors report what politicians say in the House of Representatives. Hansard is not a verbatim transcript of what occurs in the chambers but a faithful record of debate. It is not a strictly verbatim record, but rather a verified and accurate record (NSW Parliament website). Business such as tabling of papers or procedural motions, which do not involve members speaking in debate and other proceedings, are not available from this page but can be accessed through Hansard by date or using Hansard … Hansard is the official report of the debates of the parliament. Hansard; Questions and Answers; Questions and Answers tracking; Tabled Papers and Reports; Statutory Rules and Instruments; Procedural Statistics; About House Papers; Committees. Hansard & House Papers by Date Page Content Sitting days are identified in bold. List of committees; Inquiries and activities; Engaging with committees; Reports and Government Responses; Procedural Publications. Here you can read our near-verbatim reports on all debates, including oral questions and proposed laws (bills). NSW Hansard - Parliamentary debates and votes and proceedings Hansard is the official record of the debates in Parliament.

Hansard by member. Deferred answers are also included from May 2016 onwards.

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