September 3, 2020

nsw police commissioner pay rise

They deserve a medal, not pay cut. 7 / 12

3 / 12 After the pay rise, Commissioner Fuller will … 2020-05-12 There will be an init [...]New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has confirmed security contracts will remain part of the state's hotel quarantine strategy but maintained audit [...]NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said police did not seek legal advice before fining Arts Minister Don Harwin for breaching a COVID-19 travel ban because "n [...]As Greens MPs claim NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller is not worth an $87,000 pay rise during this ongoing crisis, former Labor minister Stephen Conroy says [...]NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has become one NSW’s highest paid public servants following a direction from Premier Gladys Berejiklian.All residents at the Anglicare Newmarch House have now tested positive to COVID-19, bringing the total number of positive cases at the facility to 15. NSW Chie [...] 6 / 12 NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says the crossbench should have better things to worry about as the Greens push to block police chief Mick Fuller's $87,000 pay rise.Greens MLC David Shoebridge said his party would move a motion to reverse the pay rise in the upper house, as MPs return for a one-day sitting of Parliament on Tuesday to debate the government's COVID-19 emergency measures bill.The motion has a good chance of being successful, with Labor and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers agreeing to support it.But with Tuesday's sitting focused on the government's bill, it is unlikely the motion will be debated until the next sitting period, which has not yet been scheduled but is expected to be in June.Ms Berejiklian rebuked the move on Tuesday morning, defending "I think it says a lot about the crossbench members that that is the biggest issue they think is impacting NSW at this moment," Ms Berejiklian said.

There will be an init [...]All residents at the Anglicare Newmarch House have now tested positive to COVID-19, bringing the total number of positive cases at the facility to 15. "He [Commissioner Fuller] oversees the largest police force on the planet. 2020-05-07 "How dare she reward these nurses and those 100,000 other health workers in NSW with a pay cut.

One security guard who test [...]NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said police did not seek legal advice before fining Arts Minister Don Harwin for breaching a COVID-19 travel ban because "n [...]NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller’s shock pay rise has made him one of the highest paid public servants in the world. 2020-08-25 NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian justified a nearly $90,000 pay rise for Police Commissioner Mick Fuller just months before proposing a freeze on the wages of public sector workers.The ABC has obtained a letter sent in late March to the Remuneration Tribunal, the body which ultimately decided Commissioner Fuller's $86,826 pay rise.In the letter, Ms Berejiklian said "it was appropriate that the role receive a level of remuneration which reflects the role and responsibilities".

NSW Chie [...]New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has confirmed security contracts will remain part of the state's hotel quarantine strategy but maintained audit [...]The NSW’s Premier Gladys Berejiklian “slipped up badly” when she decided to approve a major pay rise for the NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, according to [...]NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has become one NSW’s highest paid public servants following a direction from Premier Gladys Berejiklian.Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said the volume of complaints about the cleanliness of Travelodge Surry Hills was unusual.As Greens MPs claim NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller is not worth an $87,000 pay rise during this ongoing crisis, former Labor minister Stephen Conroy says [...]NRL clubs will take part in a biosecurity information briefing before training resumes on Tuesday ahead of the season relaunch on May 28. "Commissioner Fuller received the rise after Ms Berejiklian directed the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal on March 26 to reassess his salary, which is permitted under legislation.Four days later, the tribunal agreed to raise his salary to $649,500 - an increase of at least $86,850 or 15.4 per cent.

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