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Unknown to the men, however, sculptor James Kelly chose to portray Buford standing his ground rather than on a horse, as they had expected. Descended from a long line of military men, the young Buford soon proved himself a skilled rider and a gifted marksmen. Hooker later stated that he felt that made a mistake in overlooking Buford. Having to watch helplessly across the river as the Confederates cut loose their pontoon bridge was perhaps a fitting end to the campaign for Buford and his men, who six weeks before had looked across another river while waiting to attack Stuart’s cavalry on the plains of Brandy Station. The sun dropped again, and the Federal line held, as it would for the following two days of brutal battle. With the beginning of the Civil War, Buford was approached by the Governor of Kentucky regarding taking a commission to fight for the South. In a day-long fight, Buford's men succeeded in driving back the enemy before Pleasonton ordered a general withdrawal. The statue was simple and unobtrusive, like their commander, and Buford’s men could look upon it with pride. Serving on the frontier, Buford took part in several campaigns against the Indians and was appointed regimental quartermaster in 1855. His great-uncle Colonel Abraham Buford (of the Waxhaw Massacre), als… Before the Civil War, Buford got the news about the attack on Fort Sumter. Colonel William Gamble, badly wounded the previous August, rejoined the army and took command of the 1st Brigade of Buford’s Division. The videttes—brothers Fleet and Robert James—knew resistance was futile, so they galloped south to their reserve while firing pistols to sound the alarm. It wasn’t long before Buford’s advance force ran into two videttes of the 6th Virginia Cavalry guarding the ford. Gen. David Gregg, respectively—also supported by an infantry brigade—were to cross at Kelly’s Ford. Petruzzi is the co-author with Eric J. Wittenberg and Michael F. Nugent of One Continuous Fight: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863. var NetMarketingAdvisers_goal = { id: "1275" }; Civil War Times Editor Dana Shoaf shares the story of how Battery H of the 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery found itself in the middle of the Battle of Gettysburg. His father was actually an opponent of Abraham Lincoln. He was the half-brother of Union General Napoleon B. Buford and the cousin of Confederate General Abraham Buford. Gamble sent a squadron to investigate, and the Southerners quickly withdrew toward Cashtown. The Southerners had been so surprised by the attack that some galloped away without saddles and most were still in their underwear. During the retreat from Gettysburg, Buford pursued and harassed the Confederates all the way back to the Potomac River. It suggests itself to me that he will be made Major General for distinguished and meritorious service at the Battle of Gettysburg.” Told of this promotion, Buford asked doubtfully, “Does he mean it?” When told that this promotion was genuine, he simply replied, “It is too late, now I wish I could live.” With that, Buford died at 2:00pm on December 16, 1863. Posted to Fort Crittenden, UT in 1859, Buford, now a captain, studied the works of military theorists, such as John Watts de Peyster, who advocated for replacing the traditional line of battle with the skirmish line. Battle of Gettysburg Whereas that morning his prediction of battle had encompassed some “field” within his view, he now could be more specific—Buford warned Devin and Gamble that night that he felt sure the enemy would “come booming in the morning.”. John Buford, Jr. was born into a prominent family on March 4, 1826 in Woodford County, Kentucky, but moved with his family to Rock Island, Illinois at a young age. His family had a long military tradition. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, Buford’s men clashed with Stuart’s riders at sites that both armies had already crossed countless times—Boonsboro, Funkstown and Hagers­town. Kept in his post by Major General Ambrose Burnside he was present at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13. Buford intended to march the 10 miles from Fairfield, Pa., to Gettysburg early the next morning, but hardly had his brigades begun moving when his plans went off course.

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